Anchovies are the fish with the leading catches in our country. The annual reserve of anchovies is about 50-60 thousand tons. Anchovies are processed into many products such as fish sauce, pickled fish, etc. and the most common method is to process dried anchovies by the sun or by a dryer.
What is dried anchovies?
Crispy dried anchovies is a familiar dish of coastal people. Not only the main dish, just adding a little spice when drying is a very attractive snack. On the market today, you can easily buy a box of ready-made crispy anchovies for only about 50K to 70K 250g jars. However, many snackers still prefer homemade dried anchovies.
So how can we create a delicious crispy dried anchovy bottle like the one in the store when drying with a SUNSAY dryer? The answer will be in 5 simple steps that SUNSAY will introduce below.

Characteristics of anchovies
Process of drying dried anchovies
Anchovy heating stage
Drying stage of dried anchovies
At this stage, people let moisture and hot air escape. Wind speed and temperature were maintained constant during the drying process of dried anchovies. The wind direction is changed periodically according to the preset cycle.
During this stage, the moisture on the surface is heated and evaporated to the environment, hot air convection has the effect of providing additional heat and bringing moisture out.
The moisture layer is deep inside thanks to the diffusion process, will come to the surface and continue to be evaporated until the anchovies are dried.

The drying period is over
Things to keep in mind when buying an anchovy dryer
Of all foods, seafood is a very difficult product to dry. The drying process must be completely closed to ensure food hygiene. Besides, equally important factors determining the quality of products are the color, taste, duration and operating capacity of the dryer. So SUNSAY dryer was born to meet the professional seafood drying process. Seafood after drying ensures color, taste, quick drying time, saving time and energy.
Conventional dryers cannot dry dried fish and seafood. Dryers on the market often have a long drying time, making dried fish smell and easily cooked before drying, not keeping the natural flavor like sun drying.
Customers can take a look at SUNSAY’s professional dried anchovies. With a lot of capacity from 10 kg/batch to 2 tons/batch. Suitable for all customers. SUNSAY dried anchovy dryer has been used by many customers across the country to use it to dry fish in 1 sun with an extremely short time from 2 to 4 hours, to dry fish from 5 to 8 hours depending on thickness. different time. Products after drying fish .seafood dried beautiful color and delicious as natural sun exposure. .
Customers buying seafood dryers need to test drying before buying dryers. Avoid buying the wrong dryer for the wrong use, causing waste.
How much does an anchovy dryer cost?
SUNSAY food dryer is a product researched and manufactured in Vietnam by engineers with more than 15 years of experience in implementing projects specializing in the field of Drying. We supply food drying equipment all over the country. SUNSAY dryer is committed to serving customers with dedication and professionalism with quality products and competitive prices.
SUNSAY’s mission is to improve the value of processing and preservation, contributing to solving the post-processing stage of the agricultural and aquatic products industry. SUNSAY dryer ensures the standards of quality, food safety and hygiene.
With reasonable prices, SUNSAY Vietnam believes that SUNSAY food dryers are completely worth your investment and use for a long time, bringing the best efficiency.
SUNSAY food dryer brings a completely new solution and saves energy, time, reduces investment costs for users, brings high economic efficiency.
SUNSAY dryer company now has many types of dryer prices suitable for many production scales of people. The machine responds to fast drying time, keeps beautiful colors, is especially energy-saving and achieves high efficiency.
Contact method to order dryer SUNSAY
In addition to food dryer, SUNSAY Vietnam also provides other types of dryers such as: frefrigeration dryers, rice dryers, and horizontal dryers, food dryer, sublimation dryers, …
Please contact Hotline (Zalo): +84 935.995.035 or call center +84 941.108.888 or leave information in the form and we will contact you right away.