What is sublimation drying? Instructions on how to use

What is sublimation drying ? – is the most searched keyword in recent times on social networking sites. People wonder so much because this product is increasingly popular in the market with many types of dryers with different capacities. Follow our article for more information about products and where to buy quality. 

What is sublimation drying? Super popular products at home

What is sublimation drying? Drying is one of the methods to help food keep longer. To ensure the nutritional composition of food, you need to use a sublimation dryer. As one of the most advanced methods, this type of dryer preserves the nutrients present in food. This is also a drying method that has been receiving a lot of attention from users and is evaluated as effective when applied in practice.

Image of sublimation dryer at SUNSAY
Image of sublimation dryer at SUNSAY

Sublimation is another physical process that converts water vapor from a gaseous state to a solid. A conversion like this will prevent steam from being re-entered into the food and the drying process will be faster. From this way of working, the color and flavor of the food remains the same. You can also dry a variety of foods with this drying technology.

Detailed instructions on how to use the sublimation dryer

Currently, many types of sublimation dryers are being applied by many people in production activities. But what is sublimation drying, how to use sublimation dryer details not everyone understands. Because each type of machine has a different operating mechanism and mode of operation. Therefore, using a sublimation dryer is not a simple thing for anyone.

Drying with this technology is a breakthrough in the drying industry. The essence of drying is based on the principle of instantaneous action and the product, thereby separating the water and oxygen components inside the product. Then heat will dry the food completely. 

5 steps of sublimation drying that you should know

With the information we mentioned, this method is used a lot in units or families. Here are the 5 main steps you need to take to get a perfect dried product: 

  • Step 1: After harvesting the foods, sort them by size. 
  • Step 2: Can clean food with water
  • Step 3: Preliminary processing of products by steps such as separating seeds, peeling or slicing, …. Depending on the food you want to dry, choose the appropriate pre-processing method. 
  • Step 4: Put the prepared foods evenly on the drying trays.
  • Step 5: After the drying process is completed, carefully pack and vacuum to prolong the storage time. 
Pictures of fruits after being dried with a sublimation dryer
Pictures of fruits after being dried with a sublimation dryer

With only 5 steps that we guide, customers can make a perfect fire product to serve for home or business. So where should you choose to buy a sublimation dryer to ensure quality? 

How is the structure of SUNSAY sublimation dryer?

Currently,  the sublimation dryer  with SUNSAY brand has been 100% successfully manufactured by Green Technology Joint Stock Company in Vietnam, meeting most of the needs of domestic and foreign customers.
Structure of SUNSAY sublimation dryer

Structure of SUNSAY sublimation dryer:

✅ Vacuum pressure tank

✅ Heating unit for the product when it is frozen, pumped and heated for the product to perform the sublimation drying process.

✅ Deep negative refrigeration system to freeze the product and keep the water vaporized from the product when it is sublimated.

✅ Vacuum pump ensures a vacuum environment during the drying process.

✅ Electrical system controls the sublimation drying process.

SUNSAY – the most prestigious sublimation dryer supplier

When choosing to buy any product, customers always search and compare units to find out where to provide quality goods at affordable prices. With these two factors, SUNSAY has met all these requirements. This is a company specializing in providing dryer equipment including sublimation dryers with modern drying technology and impressive design. Here are the reasons you should choose to buy this product right away at SUNSAY Vietnam for advice and choose to buy the best quality product.

The quality of the sublimation dryer is guaranteed

When choosing to buy a product, you are sure to expect a quality product. SUNSAY always ensures this because the machine is manufactured according to modern technology and standards. 

SUNSAY provides quality and affordable sublimation dryers
SUNSAY provides quality and affordable sublimation dryers

Good price

We will bring the goods to customers without intermediaries, so it will be cheaper than other places. The interests of our customers are always our top priority. The price of sublimation dryer products at the unit is always competitive and much more economical than other units providing the same product on the market. Customers will also be consulted specifically about each type of machine suitable for finance.

Industrial Sublimation Dryer
Industrial Sublimation Dryer

Contact information SUNSAY Vietnam

With the information that we provide, surely customers will want to order products here. Please visit SUNSAY or call our hotline +84 94.110.8888 for advice on ordering. 

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