Dried plums are a type of food that contains many nutrients that are good for the body. Both adults and children love this fun dish. The way to make this dish is also extremely simple and saves time. You can use the dryer to quickly dry this fruit as well as other fruits when needed. Let’s find out how dried plums are processed and which type of dryer to choose for your needs.
How to make simple and quick dried plums at home
Plum is a fruit that almost everyone knows, in each plum contains a high nutritional content, so it is very good for health, but whatever is just enough is good, too much is counterproductive. So do not eat too many plums because it will cause heat to the body. Plums often have a sweet and sour taste, so they are loved by many people. However, not every season of the year is available to eat, sometimes when the season ends early, you have to wait a whole year to be able to eat it.

Because of that, to meet the needs of people as well as more convenient in the preservation work, people bring plums to dry. This both creates new flavors and helps farmers increase their income. Here’s how to make prunes:
Ripe plums after being picked will be carefully selected before being dried to ensure the best taste of plums. Plums are dried according to modern technology to maintain maximum nutritional content and best quality products. Usually, the freeze-drying method is a method that often brings high efficiency to maintain a certain freshness that many people apply.
After the plums are selected, they will be washed and put in a drying oven with moderate temperature and low humidity. The plum will slowly dry out, but the outer skin will not be hard, the inner flesh will have a certain softness. After drying, the plum will reduce the acidity compared to the beginning, and at the same time will have a more fragrant and sweeter taste. This is also the reason why dried plums are loved by so many people.
Where to buy quality dried plum processing machine?
Plum dryer is a modern solution that is being favored and chosen by many users today. This is also a quality product that meets the requirements of fast drying, high drying in large quantities of many users. Not only in families but even production facilities today consider this an indispensable product.

There are many different types of food dryers on the market today. However, their prices and quality are also very different. Please research carefully before making a purchase decision to avoid wasting costs. You should also learn more about the supplier to choose a reliable address with a specific and clear warranty.
SUNSAY is a reputable brand that manufactures refrigeration dryers with modern technology, along with many smart innovations to increase drying efficiency, along with the feature of working continuously all day but still ensuring 10 as 1 quality. This is a recognized Vietnamese brand that provides high quality preservation methods. SUNSAY Refrigeration Dryer is a drying device that helps to maintain the maximum nutritional content, taste and color of the dried foods.
Why should you buy fruit dryer products at SUNSAY?
For a long time, the SUNSAY brand has been known to many people as a unit specializing in providing various types of dryers on the market. Our products bring to users the elements of aesthetics and quality that help you dry food and fruit in the fastest way. Specifically, here are the reasons why you should buy this product right away at SUNSAY Vietnam.

– Is a reputable supplier of refrigeration dryers in Vietnam
– Dedicated customer care policy. Free on-site installation.
– Especially, SUNSAY also has a policy of cheap rental for small businesses that do not have enough business capital. With only a small cost, you can produce dried products.
– Besides, SUNSAY also has an effective business method consulting service for businesses that do not have much experience in the field of industrial drying. Assist in the design and supervision of methods of preserving food, agricultural products, and fruits.
With all of the above factors, what are you waiting for, do not immediately contact SUNSAY for the fastest and most specific support and advice. If you are interested in industrial refrigeration dryers , please contact us via hotline +84 94.110.888 or via zalo +84 935.995.035 for advice and quotation.