Supplying 16 trays food dryer for Mother Jacket nutritious cereal flour production facility

Supplying 16 trays food dryer for Mother Jacket nutritious cereal flour production facility

The products of Mother Jackfruit are used main ingredients from: Lotus seeds, black sesame, brown rice, green beans, of course, through the process of careful selection of ingredients, meticulous manual roasting from the recipe. Self-researched, dried from SUNSAY food dryer , with 3D wind convection technology, has launched a product with a delicate taste of lotus, greasy aroma of black sesame… good for health, supporting the topic resistance, improve digestive system function.

Supplying 16 trays convection heat dryer to Mother Jacket cereal flour production facility
Supplying 16 trays convection heat dryer to Mother Jacket cereal flour production facility
Convection Heat Dryer 16 Tray
Convection Heat Dryer 16 Tray
16 trays 3D convection wind heat dryer
16 trays 3D convection wind heat dryer

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